At the beginning of the last century, there was a great awakening in the church in the United States. In Topeka, Kansas and on Azusa Street in Los Angeles, California people began to have a revival of New Testament power. They experienced the Baptism of the Holy Ghost and of Fire. This move of God spread across the United States over the next few years. One of the first areas to join in this “New” experience was East Texas. As early as 1913, the area of Livingston was blessed with a church that opened their arms to this new move of God. From the halls of the Old Providence School you could hear the members worshiping God and praising Him with all of their hearts. A church was born and they continued to worship as they held “Cottage Prayer Meetings,” as they were to become known as, in the homes of the members of the church. “Uncle Matt” Collins opened the doors of his home and the church grew to between 40 and 50 souls. The late Naomi Stephens, a charter member of the church, has told us all of the revival services under the brush arbors and the tent meetings in Livingston. In 1915, the church erected their first permanent place of worship, “The
Tabernacle.” Riley Young donated three acres of land two miles out on Highway 146 and people began to worship God in what was to become the “Old Tabernacle.” Lacking a baptistery, the congregation would hold their baptismal services at a pond or at Long King Creek, where the candidates were immersed in water in the wonderful name of Jesus. Mrs. Stephens said these services were well attended, and people walked or rode in wagons and buggies from miles around. “The Tabernacle” was remodeled in 1930 and during the next few years its name was changed to “The First United Pentecostal Church of Livingston.” Worship continued at this location until 1958.
New property was purchased at 404 East Church Street and while the new church was being built, the congregation worshiped in the City Hall. At about this time a project was started that helped with the building funds and became a tradition for 20 years. Starting in the backyard of John Stephens’ residence, Mexican dinners were served. This property has been remodeled several times and several new additions have been added over the years. In 1968, new educational facilities were added. In 1991 the auditorium, pastor’s study, and nursery facilities were remodeled or added. Many contributions of love and service have made The First United Pentecostal Church what it is today.
And what is it today? The First United Pentecostal Church is a growing church of nearly 200 members and has a Sunday School program for children from pre-school to high school. We have a dynamic music department featuring adult and children’s choirs and occasional dramas. Most important of all, The First United Pentecostal Church presents the Full Gospel of Christ to a lost and dying world with love and compassion. Past pastors include: the Reverends Bob DeShazo, Ed Malone, Robert Walters, Charlie Dowden, Henry Puckett, J.R. Shinn, Steve Odom, S. W. Todd, H. Haven, “One Arm” Smith, E.J. Self, McCarty, R.L. Blankenship, Lottie Hatcher, Jennie Hayes, D.R. Nix, Allen Doyle, Timothy Sonnenberg, M.E. Precise, Doyle Aaron, Andy Fannette, W.T. Chance, Ron Ramey, Gerald Morris and the current pastor Reverend Joshua Carney.